President Washington Fan’s Silenced By Noctua NF-A4x10 Fan Kit

With sincerest and many thanks to Ingo my Jumbo Jet ✈️ sounded fans have been eliminated. Replaced with Noctua A4x10 (40x10mm) Premium fans which run almost silent I’d say! Woohoo…. Yes needs some adaptation but when fitted it’s really almost silent so you can hear stations which the other fans destroyed. The fans are available […](Feed generated with FetchRSS)

Juni 12, 2024 - 00:00
 0  23
President Washington Fan’s Silenced By Noctua NF-A4x10 Fan Kit
With sincerest and many thanks to Ingo my Jumbo Jet ✈️ sounded fans have been eliminated. Replaced with Noctua A4x10 (40x10mm) Premium fans which run almost silent I’d say! Woohoo…. Yes needs some adaptation but when fitted it’s really almost silent so you can hear stations which the other fans destroyed. The fans are available […]

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