*NEW RADIO* Eric Farpoint Farms Reviews Raddy RF-919

Eric says Apparently when Raddy decided to enter the SSB radio game, they just kept saying yes when it came to what features to include. This sucker is packed! AM(MW), FM, UHF, VHF, WB, SW, CB, and HAM are all here. USB and LSB as well. That plus it can be used as a BT […](Feed generated with FetchRSS)

Mai 13, 2024 - 00:00
 0  25
*NEW RADIO* Eric Farpoint Farms Reviews Raddy RF-919
Eric says Apparently when Raddy decided to enter the SSB radio game, they just kept saying yes when it came to what features to include. This sucker is packed! AM(MW), FM, UHF, VHF, WB, SW, CB, and HAM are all here. USB and LSB as well. That plus it can be used as a BT […]

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