*NEW CB ANTENNA* Sirtel Santiago 1200 “Is Back”

New or remake? Asks Helmut Frequenzwaschl who’s kindly sent all the information and I don’t know. Can it really be Sirtel is back? Photos and link below. Thanks so much Helmut for the news Link: https://tinyurl.com/3v5654ut And K-PO Says below The original Sirtel Santiago 1200 is acclaimed as the most powerful and best-performing 27 MHz […](Feed generated with FetchRSS)

Juni 1, 2024 - 00:00
 0  13
*NEW CB ANTENNA* Sirtel Santiago 1200 “Is Back”
New or remake? Asks Helmut Frequenzwaschl who’s kindly sent all the information and I don’t know. Can it really be Sirtel is back? Photos and link below. Thanks so much Helmut for the news Link: https://tinyurl.com/3v5654ut And K-PO Says below The original Sirtel Santiago 1200 is acclaimed as the most powerful and best-performing 27 MHz […]

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