*NEW ATU* Palstar AMU-K Fully Automatic Touch Screen

With thanks to Donald who’s contacted us about a new Palstar ATU featured over at http://www.hamradio.com and below we’ve the details The Palstar AMU-1000 is a Fully Automatic Touch Screen Auto-Tuner rated for 1000 Watts RF Power. This tuner features a low loss L-Network, and dual relay switching for each location where high RF voltage […](Feed generated with FetchRSS)

Juni 14, 2024 - 00:00
 0  15
*NEW ATU* Palstar AMU-K Fully Automatic Touch Screen
With thanks to Donald who’s contacted us about a new Palstar ATU featured over at http://www.hamradio.com and below we’ve the details The Palstar AMU-1000 is a Fully Automatic Touch Screen Auto-Tuner rated for 1000 Watts RF Power. This tuner features a low loss L-Network, and dual relay switching for each location where high RF voltage […]

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